While looking for a Whangarei daycare for your child, you may be wondering if you should go with a religious or secular institution. Christopher & Robin Early Childhood Centre is one option, but you must be sure you have a good reason for choosing this daycare. The center’s director, Ms. Robin, will tell you more about her philosophy of education and what her son learns during her time at the center.
Christopher & Robin Early Childhood Centre
If you are looking for a child care center in Whangarei, Northland, you might want to consider Christopher & Robin Early Childhood Centre. This child care centre is licensed to take 75 children (FTE), including 25 under twos. It provides 20 hours of free education for children ages three and above. Read these customer reviews to find out what parents are saying about the child care center.
The centre is privately owned and runs under the leadership of a director, who provides governance support. The teaching team at Christopher & Robin Early Childhood Centre has undergone a recent restructure. New centre leaders include a manager, two head teachers, a teacher aide, and two other qualified teachers. The new leadership team focuses on empowering the children and creating a partnership between teachers and students.
The teaching team at the centre has had professional learning in Te ao Maori. The centre also has two Maori teachers working alongside the team to strengthen bicultural practices. The ERO report also highlights positive outcomes for children from diverse backgrounds. The centre has also been recognised by the Education Review Office for its bicultural evaluation framework, Nga Pou Here. To read the full report, visit SECTION 3 of this report.